MacArthur dives deep into what it means to truly live as a Christian and a disciple of Christ. Drawing upon a myriad of Scripture passages, he examines the many aspects of living as a disciple. The challenge for believers is great. He exhorts "[i]f you want to live correctly, expose yourself to the Word of God" (p. 80). With so much junk surrounding us in today's world and culture, it's even more crucial for followers of Christ to dive into Scriptures and allow a transformation to happen based on the Word.
Overall, he covered a lot of great topics in great detail, but the book on the whole felt a bit disjointed to me. It didn't have the same flow as the other two books in the trilogy. I appreciated his thoughts and the challenge to live a holy life (chapter 4). This book just didn't do it for me like the other two did.
I'll close with my favorite quote from the book, found in chapter 2: "Becoming a Christian means being sick of your sin, longing for forgiveness and rescue from present evil and future hell, and affirming your commitment to the lordship of Christ to the point where you are willing to forsake everything. I've said it before and I'll say it again: it isn't just holding up your hand or walking down an aisle and saying 'I love Jesus.' It is not easy, it is not user-friendly or seeker-sensitive; it isn't a rosy, perfect world where Jesus gives you what you want. It is hard, it is sacrificial, and it supersedes everything. The manifestation of true faith is a commitment that no influence can sway." (p. 27)
(I’ve received this complimentary book through the BookLook program in exchange for a review. A positive review was not required and the views expressed in my review are strictly my own.)
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