"Dirty Glory" by Pete Greig is the second book in the Red Moon Chronicles. With fifteen years experience working with 24-7 prayer, Greig shares many more stories and adventures from this movement. The stories meander all over the globe, with powerful testimonies of the work of God coming from all over. The book is broken down in five separate sections: Presence, Prayer, Mission, Justice, and Joy. The chapters in each section share insights, Scriptures, and stories that pertain to each particular theme. My personal favorite was the section on Justice. It was such an encouragement to not just sit on the sidelines while others work for social justice, but to seek ways for practical involvement as well, even in my own little corner of the world.
This book stirred something in my soul, giving me a greater longing for the kind of prayer and passion that characterizes the lives of those deeply involved with 24-7 prayer. It's a compelling read that can sometimes leave the reader shaking his head in wonder over the works of God. The book also includes a study guide for small group discussion or for the individual reader who wants to explore each chapter in greater depth. It was a good follow-up to "Red Moon Rising." It will be exciting to see where God takes 24-7 prayer in the future!
(I’ve received this complimentary book from
Tyndale House Publishers
in exchange for a review.
A positive review was not required and the views expressed in my review are strictly my own.)
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