"Rest Assured" by Vicki Courtney aims at helping women who are overcommitted, over-connected, and generally overwhelmed to slow down and find true rest for their souls. The book is divided into two sections. The first deals with enemies of rest; Courtney examines four specific areas (busyness, pursuit of happiness, tethered to technology, and worry) that bring women down distract them from incorporating rest into daily life. The second section deals with recovery. She includes four chapters that focus on four different ways to truly make rest part of life. Each chapter in this book includes discussion questions for small groups or for the reader to tackle on her own. The final four chapters also include a one-week dare where the reader takes one week to focus on living out the principles that were just read about (this is where a small group would really come in handy for the accountability aspect).
While there was nothing entirely new in this book, Courtney's writing is so fresh and engaging that the principles all feel brand new. I've known about these concepts for a long time, but putting them into practice has typically been more difficult. The practical suggestions and ideas that she puts forth in this book are just the motivation I need to implement some of these into my daily and weekly life. It's a wonderful book that so many women need to read. I highly recommend it!
(I’ve received this complimentary book through the
BookLook program in exchange for a review.
A positive review was not required and the views expressed in my review are strictly my own.)
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