I appreciated that Ethridge was so very real in this book. She talked about her own issues with fantasies. She really took the time to explain common fantasies and helped the reader to explore the deeper meanings behind them. She helps the reader to address their fantasies and channel them in the appropriate, healthy context of marriage.
This is a book that is long overdue for our sex-absorbed culture. Christians are not immune to the temptations and the pull of fantasies. It's time for the Church to start confronting some of these elephants in the room, and this book is a great starting place for the discussion.
"At times, we may need to look to the God-given gift of mental fantasy to fuel our sexual passions and imaginations in marriage. Other times, we may need to reel in our thoughts to stay out of dangerous territory. Either way, whether we are intentionally opening our minds or trying to guard them, there are great benefits to peeling back the layers of our sexual thoughts to under their deeper meaning. And once we've done so, we're better equipped to help others do the same." (p. xxvi)
(I’ve received this complimentary book through the BookLook program in exchange for a review. A positive review was not required and the views expressed in my review are strictly my own.)