"Unashamed" is the newest, powerful book by author and speaker Christine Caine. Drawing on her own personal experience, the stories of others, and weaving Scripture throughout, Caine shares candidly about the effects of shame and the journey to overcome it. "Unashamed" helps the reader to identify areas of poisonous shame, toxic thoughts that hold us captive and distort our perspective about ourselves and about God. She shares about the consequences of allowing shame to remain hidden and continuing to give it a stronghold in our lives. She describes the path to freedom for herself and others, which gives incredible encouragement for others who are in various stages of that journey themselves.
My two favorite chapters were "God Moves In So We Can Move On" and "He Healed My Mind". These two chapters deal specifically with the healing that God brings when we bring our shame to Him and allow Him heal our hearts and minds. Retraining our minds is a large part of moving from shame to freedom, and immersing ourselves in the words of God and His promises are key in this journey.
I have never read a book by her before, but this one definitely inspires me to read more! I found it to be a wonderful book about a topic that too many people are afraid to bring up. I hope that many read this book and begin the work needed for freedom for shame.
"...I'm writing because I've found God's rich rewards in the ongoing journey from shame-filled to a shame-free life. I have found that no matter how big the giant looms over me--no matter how hard he tries to drown out what God wants to say to me--the truth remains: Jesus shamed my shame! So I wrote this book from a place of victory--inside my promised land--to help give you, dear reader, your victory" (pp. 180-181).
(I’ve received this complimentary book through the
BookLook program in exchange for a review.
A positive review was not required and the views expressed in my review are strictly my own.)